Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club News story

Saturday 13th - Training at St James & Cricket Force

10 Apr 2013

As I sit here typing, listening to the rain lash down it seems unlikely but.....The Cricket Season is Upon Us!

Saturday sees us looking to spring clean, clear out and up the pavillions, repair the nets and work on the playing area at St James. In order to encourge a few more helping hands (providing the weather plays ball of course) the P&S Coaching Team will run a training session for Colts. 

The working day is due to start around 11 o'clock and should we have enough takers might even fire up the BBQ for Bacon Sarnies. The urn will be constantly on the go to keep thirst at bay too.

We propose to start our training session at about 12.30 and, dependant on numbers and conditions, will run it for a couple of hours. Of course if the coaches are running the session they won't be able to work, so hope our colts parents might take up some of the slack. If you do come down to help for a while, perhaps you could bring an empty bin bag or two and take it away filled!

I look forward to seeing those of you who can make it on Saturday from 11am. If the weather is particularly bad while we'll not be able to train we can still work inside so feel free to come along anyway.

If you can't make it, don't forget U11 and U13 training proper starts on Monday (15th April) at 6pm and the U15's will train same time but on Wednesdays. And a final reminder to all who haven't yet filled in membership forms and paid subs - they are now due. Remember, keep an eye on the website for news on cancelled sessions in the event of poor weather.

Many thanks,
