Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club

Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club - Safeguarding

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Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club (the Club) is committed to ensuring everyone participating in cricket does so in a safe, friendly, secure, and enjoyable environment.  Everyone at the club, whether as a player, coach, official, administrator, staff member, volunteer, spectator, parent, or carer has a role to play. Individually and collectively, it is our actions, both on and off the field which can help create a positive and inclusive culture.
The Club follows the ECB's Safe Hands approach to safeguarding.

The documents linked below form the basis of the Club's safeguarding system and will be reviewed prior to each playing season.
All persons connected with the club, in whatever capacity, are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these policies.

P&SCC Safeguarding Policy Statement

P&SCC Anti-Bullying Policy

P&SCC Changing Room Policy

P&SCC Club Transport Policy

If you have any concerns over any child or vulnerable adult welfare issues, connected with the Club, please raise directly with Nik Lucocq, the Club's Safeguarding Officer, or e-mail safeguarding.pandscc@gmail.com