Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club

Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club - Club Development Plan

Mission Statement

Our mission is to play the highest standard of recreational cricket we can with at least three adult Saturday teams and a team at each age group. We strive for excellence whilst keeping it enjoyable and embodying the spirit of cricket


  • Harness and develop all young cricketers so they have the opportunity to contribute to the game of cricket at all levels and play a central role in club cricket life
    4th Team (our "Academy" will feed 2nd team as players attain the appropriate standard) to have at least 6 colts or recent colts in each and every match, Maintain the 2nd team filled with predominately colts and former colts, 3rd Team to provide access to cricket for all ages at an appropriate level but with no direct call on players U19 unless it will benefit the individual and the 1st team to be predominately filled with colts and former colts. At least 40 colts to play in competitive matches each year, year on year Colts selected for each age group for district squads

  • Develop and strengthen a structure and pathway for women and girls to actively participate in and follow cricket
    Open Policy for Women and Girls

  • Develop and strengthen the whole club environment, promoting cricketing opportunities for disabled people
    We offer coaching to the local special needs school

  • Develop and promote cricket for black and ethnic minorities
    No special promotions but our teams have 10-15% black and ethnic minorities in, reflecting the mix within Portsmouth as a city

  • Ensure that our cricket club is an integral part of the local community, contributing an invaluable service to all sections of the local community, developing club members, supporters and volunteers
    Arrange holiday coaching courses available to all in the local community at least once a year, Make facilities available to at least one school on a regular basis. Ground is available for other teams / schools to use, Coaching courses offered to all adult players and parents

  • Develop and strengthen senior playing teams, providing positive role models to all club members, leading achievement and success
    1st Team to strive to maintain its place in Southern League, 2nd Team to maintain Hampshire Divisional league status, 3rd team to provide appropriate level cricket to all age groups but predominately to adult cricketers, 4th team to develop young cricketers with sufficient adults to support them. Offer Sunday cricket to club members and Mid Week fixtures arranged

Our Development Plan 2017
P&S Development Plan 2017.docx