Points System for U13a
Note batters retire at 35* and can not return unless their retirement would close the innings.
a. The team winning a match shall receive 10 points. In a tie (both teams scoring the
same number of runs irrespective of wickets lost) each team shall receive 5 points. In a no result match or one cancelled through weather conditions or other special circumstances approved by the committee, no points will be awarded.
b. Batting bonus points will be awarded as follows. One point will be gained for reaching 50 runs and one more point thereafter for each further 20 runs to a maximum of 6 points i.e. runs over 150 do not attract any more bonus points.
i. For a team batting second and winning, an additional point, up to a maximum of six
batting points, for every two wickets in hand at the close.
ii. For a team batting second and winning with a score of less than 50 runs, one
additional point.
c. Bowling bonus points as follows. One point for every two wickets taken. But in the
event of the batting side having less than eleven and players being all out, the maximum of 5 points will be awarded.
d. In a match interrupted by rain or light in the second innings, the result will be calculated on average of run rate as follows. If the team batting first is bowled out in under 20 overs, the average run rate will still be calculated on 20 overs. The team batting second must bat a minimum of 10 overs.