Please click the attached link below for the online version of the 2024 Membership Form:
P&S Membership Form 2024
The details are as follows:
Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club
Colts Membership Form 2022
The Club Policy in line with the England and Wales Cricket Board is that helmets must be worn at all times by wicketkeepers standing up to the stumps and by all batsmen engaged in practices or matches involving a hard cricket ball.
Additionally you are requested to note the following
The Club cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage of property during practices or matches. Those running the Club are not professionally employed cricket personnel. Parents remain responsible for the conduct of their own children, and that the children must be encouraged at all times to abide by the rules of the Club, Hampshire Cricket Board and the laws of the game.
All players are required to pay an Annual Subscription of £125.00 to P & S CC Colts.
(Should this prove difficult please advise Sean Kanavan (07890 323072) and an alternative arrangement can be considered.)
It is preferred payment be made via on-line banking. If you require the Bank details please contact Sean and include your name in the reference so we can track payments.
This covers membership to the club, all winter club sessions, all summer training and all Colts match fees. The majority of Colts home matches will be played at St James. Subscriptions are due and payable by Monday 2nd May 2022 For families with more than 1 Colt there is reduction of £25 for each additional colt. Eg a family with 3 Colts will pay £125 + £100 + £75 = £300.
Alternatively fees of £4 will be payable for each training or match attended.
When selecting match teams, players who have paid their full subscription will be given preference. There is likely to be plenty of opportunity for all to play matches. If selected, those who haven’t paid the full subscription will be required to paid £4 for each match played and for the same for each training session attended.
Please complete the declaration here to confirm your understanding of important requirements for membership.
On election to membership, I undertake that I will pay the Annual Subscription Fee (as shown above).
I consent to my child receiving emergency medical treatment should it be necessary.
I consent/do not consent* to my child be administered mild painkillers eg Paracetamol
I undertake to ensure that coaches are made aware of any medical issues or illnesses, regular medication, allergies or other ailments which might require previous knowledge.
I consent/do not consent* to the taking of photographs of my child for use on the Club Website. Names will not be published.
I confirm that I have read the Code of Conduct for Members and Guests that is displayed on the club notice board and webpage and that I will abide by the rules written.
It is agreed that in the event of any valid complaint being made against the behaviour of any player, parent or guardian, the Club will be entitled to terminate this membership without compensation or rebate.
The Club holds certain data relating to each member. This information includes the member’s name, address, age and other details of a purely administrative nature. The data is used for the purpose of organising matches and events. This information may be disclosed to third parties such as the SEHCA and HCC and other parties to facilitate the smooth running of the Club. It is necessary for the Club to obtain your consent to use the data that the Club holds on the member in the way envisaged above and we would be very grateful if you would sign and return this form to signal your consent. By signing you will also agree to the Declaration, subject to the choices that you have indicated.
Junior membership of the Club also provides that the parent(s), guardian(s) of the child are given non-voting membership of the club as part of that junior membership. This entitles the parent/ guardian no additional privileges that would otherwise be gained by paying the appropriate adult membership fee. Any use of facilities (for example social, training, playing) may incur charges as applicable to relevant adult membership.
The club adopts and incorporates all current ECB policies regarding the welfare of young people, including Safe Hands.
Should you have any questions or concerns in this regard please contact the Club Safeguarding Officer – Aimee Benfield (aimee_b_91@live.co.uk)
……………………………………… (Parent/Guardian)
* Delete whichever not applicable
Please return form to: Sean Kanavan (Colts Co-ordinator) and make payment to the club via Bank Transfer
……………………………………… (Parent/Guardian) Date………………………………
* Delete whichever not applicable
Please return form to: Sean Kanavan (Colts Co-ordinator) and make payment to the club via Bank Transfer