Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club

Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club News story

Colts Newsletter

13 Apr 2007

April 2007 Newsletter

I hope you all had a good winter and are looking forward to a hot and sunny summer! This newsletter will let you know what has happened during the winter and what lies ahead in the summer months.

Winter 2006/7.

Our indoor U16s had a superb winter, winning all their games and finished 2nd in the Fareham Indoor League.

The indoor U14s had a fantastic season finishing runners up in the league and retaining the cup in the South Hants League at Eastleigh.

The training sessions at Springfield were well attended by all age groups, so much so we had to hire another hall for the Under 9s. We also moved the U15s to Crookhorn which proved a great success. At the majority of these sessions there were at least 4 qualified coaches and there are plans to get more adults qualified in the next couple of years. If any of the parents want to become a qualified coach or volunteer please let me know. There is a Volunteers course at PGS on April 21st.

Congratulations to the 35 P&S boys that were selected for County or District Development Centres. No other club in Hampshire has as many boys in the Development Centres.

We are also hoping to have an U11 girls team this summer, we have been coaching about 15 girls during the winter and it is hoped they will join the club for the summer.


Thanks to the hard work of Tim May and Dave Chisholm we have provisionally awarded ClubMark status by the English Cricket Board. ClubMark is a Sport England accreditation scheme which supports the development and recognition of cricket clubs that are safe, effective and child-friendly.
For more information on what ClubMark means please see http://www.clubmark.org.uk

Summer 2007.

All the fixtures have now been published and will be available on the P&S web site www.pandscricket.com

We are running 6 sides, 2 U15, 2 U13, 1 U11 & 1 U9, managers details are below. We also have the chance to run an 11b side but we need a volunteer to manage it do if you are interested please let me know.

Welfare Officer – Ian Power – T 01489 891397, Mob 07880 794256 . Email: ianandsonyapower@btopenworld.com

U9 – Colin Pidgeon – 02392 353682. E: colin.pidgeon@ntlworld.com

U11 – Debbie Collings-Wells – 01243 376679. E: thecws@bigfoot.com

U13a – Troy Davies – 02392 787824. E: ta.davies@yahoo.co.uk
U13b – Alan Till – 02392 376868. E: tilly12@ntlworld.com

U15a – Dave Chisholm – 02392 793010. E: CHISHOD@wyeth.com
U15b – Dips Hathi – 02392 731512. E: hatdip@talktalk.net

It is our intention to play the all of our home games at St James. The team managers are currently in the process of arranging dates for the relevant games and the P&S web site will be updates as these dates get confirmed. For our home games it would be helpful if parents could contribute towards the boys teas by bringing along a packet of biscuits or crisps etc.

Practice games.

There will be several practice games pre season at St James as follows:

15/4 – 12.00 U13s 20 over game
15/4 – 15.00 U15s 30 over game
17/4 – 17.30 U11s 20 over game
20/4 – 17.30 U15s 20 over game
23/4 – 17.30 U9s 16 over game

There may be some others arranged, you will be advised via email.


We have managed to raise £23,000 this winter, there will be a brand new astroturf wicket, and a superb two bay net area installed at St James by the beginning of June. Training nights from the start of June will be at St James on Thursday evenings at the following times:

U9s/U11s – 4.30 to 6.30
U13s/U15s – 6.00 to 8.00

From Thursday April 19th to Thursday May 24th all age groups will training at the PGS playing fields at Hilsea from 6.00pm – 7.45pm. We will start at St James for June and July.

Overseas Player/Coach.

We have been lucky enough to obtain the services of Steven Porta from Queensland, Australia for this summer. Steven is a fully qualified coach and will be available for extra 1 – 1 coaching at £12 per hour.

Adult games.

We have 3 adult sides that play in the Hampshire League on Saturdays, if any of the boys want to play in these teams please let Dave Chisholm know and he will do his best to get you some games. Matt Smith will captain our midweek league side and Harry Yard will be the Sunday captain.


Please contact Sean Kanavan on Sean.A.Kanavan@barclayscorporate.com to order any of the new range of clothing. Please see the website for more details www.pandscricket.com.

St James Update.

As already mentioned we have been hard at work during the last year raising money to improve our facilities at St James. As well as raising money there has also been a lot of time and effort put into building a new garage and repairing our machinery ready for this summer. We also hope to buy a new Bola bowling machine that will be available for use for all club members.

Volunteers Course

We are running a 4 hour course at PGS Sports Hall on 21/4 from 3.00pm – 7.00pm. These are good fun for mums or dads who want an introduction to cricket coaching. If you are interested please let me know.

Weather updates.

If for any reason a game is called off on the day the web site will be updated as soon as a decision is made. If unable to access the web site please call your team manager or failing that give me a ring. The same applies to training, please check if unsure.

Tim Jacobs – (h) 023 9232 4252 (m) 07918 058220
Colts Co-ordinator Email timjacobs@sky.com