The 2022 season sees us continue our partnership with Serious Cricket.
All-in Adult Members will get a match shirt with their membership.
All members are required to complete a Membership Form.
For other kit, including the Sublimated T20 Shirts our 1st Team have sported in both their recent T20 Finals, please access the link below to our suppliers and order directly.
All orders made in the recent bulk order will display the new logo. The only item to continue to display the "old" logo is our baggie cap. (The old logo seemed more in keeping with the style) If you wish to purchase one of these please let Sean know and he will order it as we can't have two different logos on the automated site.
Any questions regarding kit can be addressed to Sean K
The link to the shop is below. In addition to our logoed clothing, equipment can also be ordered via the Serious Cricket site.
Happy shopping.