Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club

Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club News story

League Averages Published

16 Nov 2014

Our 1st Team League stats have been released for a while and our congratulations go to Jack Davies and Matt Benfield who were 8th (369 runs) and 14th (330 runs) in the run aggregates respectively and to Tom Farnworth who's mark of 30.00 got him to 14th in the list of averages.

The 1st team bowling was a really close run thing. Jono Willey and Matt Benfield's 20 wickets each taking them to 16th and 17th in the list - Jono getting the top ranking despite them both averaging 19.7 as he had bowled more overs.

In the Hampshire League, for the 2s our top bat was Steve Clements, showing once more there's life in the old dog yet - and not just with regards post match entertainment! Clem's aggregate of 420 at 52.5 saw him 7th in the division aggregates and a very close 2nd in the averages.  He was the only P&S name to feature in the top 20 of either batters or bowlers for the 2's so time to up your game you young guns.....

The 3's had a couple of bats make the lists, again the seniors leading the way with Sean Kanavan in 7th and Mark Perrin in 13th but perhaps star of all the lists was an U13, men's cricket debutant, who came 2nd in the wickets taken column.

Harlan Randell picked up 25 scalps from his limited overs with each one costing him only 6.6 runs. That average puts him within the top 10 bowlers in all the 22 Divisions of the League.