Dear All,
Due to Allen McBride's funeral we felt we should move our AGM so as not to clash. Therefore we intend to hold the AGM the day after the funeral on Friday 7th February. While we know a number of us will go the funeral we also intend to raise a glass to Al after the meeting.
Please make every effort to come along to set up what looks like being an exciting season. Remember if you don't attend you can't have a say in who runs your club and captains your sides.
We have some great news to confirm too about a coach, sponsorship deals and a more joined up way of running selections.
The agenda is attached.
AGM-Agenda Feb 2014.doc
Also attached is the membership form you will need to complete
P & S Membership 2014.docx
And an order form for discounted kit. Please check out the links on the Club Kit page for examples. We will be taking orders for the bulk buy on the night.
Portsmouth & Southsea CC Pre Season Order Form 2014.xls
If you aren't able to come along please offer your apologies. I will be happy to hear any thoughts you may want represented at the meeting.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Sean Kanavan
Portsmouth & Southsea CC