A Happy New Year to all.
I am pleased to let you know the work at our Winter Training venue (Crookhorn College) is looking good and with luck we will be able to start using it from Wednesday 15th January. We propose to run the u9/u11 and u13/u15s on alternate weeks as before. The schedule will be as follows:
U9/U11's 15th Jan, 29th Jan, 12th Feb, 5th Mar, 19th Mar
U13/U15's 22nd Jan, 5th Feb, 26th Feb, 12th Mar, 26th Mar
The timing will be as before 6.30 - 8pm. The address can be found on our website.
As we get nearer the season proper we will provide details of outdoor training and match arrangements.
If any colts would like extra 1-1 or small group sessions with the club coaches please let me know by email or on 07890 323072.
We are now happy to take your 2014 Membership Forms and subs (they are due by the end of March). The price has remained unchanged yet again. As ever it incorporates all training and matches, both indoor and outdoor, and we think remains excellent value for money. Please complete the attached form and return it with payment to our Treasurer as detailed on the form or bring it along to one of your training sessions.
Should any of you be thinking about buying kit this year we have been provided with an "early bird" offer from our kit provider. We would usually ask you to purchase items directly from the Serious Cricket website but for a bulk order we can get decent discounts so please see the attached fliers showing the type of kit available and the order form. Again please let me know if you want anything and I'll co-ordinate an order. For a view of what the actual P&S Kit looks like please follow the link on our website.
SERIOUS CRICKET TEAMWEAR PRODUCT GUIDE.pdf Portsmouth & Southsea CC Pre Season Order Form 2014.xls
We looked forward to seeing you soon,
Sean Kanavan
P&SCC Colts