Dear All,
Following our Volunteers Workshop, we were asked whether we could provide a list of the various roles around the club that members (and parents) could help out with. The attached list contains specific jobs for individuals and more group arranging/managing type roles. If you feel you could help out in any way, large or small, please let me or your colts manager, captain etc know.
P&S Volunteer Roles 2013.doc
If you'd like to have a go at say, ground work, scoring, umpiring, kit manager etc but have no experience, please don't worry training or instruction can be arranged very easily.
One role not on the list relates to our overseas player. We are hoping to have a young (19) Australian cricketer join us next season. If you would like to provide him with lodgings (for which the club will pay) over the 20 week season please let us know. He will play for our 1st team and be part of our coaching team - his skills may be of benefit to any colts in the house...
Thanks for giving this your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.
P&S Committee