Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club

Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club News story

Can you help your club?

17 Jan 2013

Sport Hampshire & IOW has offered Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Cub chance to take part in the Club Sport Makers programme which provides sport clubs with support to deliver a short development workshop (which lasts less than an hour) to engage members in the future of
the club and encourage them to volunteer in whatever way they can.

All attendees receive a t-shirt, adidas gym bag and some incredible opportunities to win sport related prizes (tickets to
international sporting events, hybrid bikes + much more).

The workshop takes the following format:
* 5 minute intro and ice breaker
* 25 minutes discussing the key areas for development identified by us (your committee and key volunteers)
* 10 minutes discussing who could help impact on these areas
* 5 minutes for members to ask committee members questions or feed in your ideas for club development
* 5 minutes to let everybody know how to be a Sport Maker (and how the club can claim up to £250)

We propose to run our workshop from 6.30pm to 7.30pm on Thursday 31st January - immediately prior to the clubs AGM - in the Country Cottage (the brick pavillion at St James' Cricket Ground).

With our Colts sides ever expanding and challenging for honours, our Adult 1st Team promoted back to the Southern Electic Premier League, not to mention our other 3 Saturday sides and Sunday side, we are a club enjoying good times. Please consider being a part of it and help us move on to new levels, socially, recreationally and on the field if play. 

It would be great to see some new faces so, if you or anyone you know would like to come along to hear what we and Sport Hampshire have to say, please reply to this mail so that we can have an idea of numbers. 

We look forward to seeing you on the 31st Jan.

Sean K
Chairman Portsmouth & Southsea CC
07890 323072