Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club News story

U11 End of Term Round Up

07 Aug 2012

Despite the huge number of washed out training sessions and only playing about half of our league matches we made real progress this season. 
A number of new faces joined us, many new to cricket. We've been able to get lots of younger players experience in our U11b matches. A record of played 6 won 2 was a great return considering how young our side was. Some of the boys have a number of year at U11 so the future looks good. Some technical training over the winter will see us ready to take on all comer's next season. 
In the U11a's  we had a mixed year with some really great performances (such as Portsmouth at home) along with a couple of horror shows (Hambledon springs to mind). Again welcome new faces helped bolster our side but our old timers too showed real improvements to help us to a played 7 won 3 record.
We'll run though individual's performances at our Awards Evening - details to follow - but I'm pleased to report everyone had something to celebrate.
Thanks to the boys for their efforts and all parents who supported us so well. Particular thanks must go to Dawn and Mark, Phil, Ash, Matt & Tina without whom..... 
I'm looking forward to getting back together through the winter to see everyone develop even further. Here's to a drier 2013!