Dear All,
Further to our post Christmas note to you we are pleased to confirm our Colts training sessions will begin again this coming Wednesday 26th January. The following is a reminder of the note we sent previously. Thanks to those who have already paid their 2022 subs. There are details of how this works again below.
Our Wednesday evening dates will be:
Jan - 26th
Feb - 2nd
Mar - 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
Apr - 6th
We will again be using the Crookhorn College Sports Hall. The address is
Crookhorn College
Stakes Hill Road
To find the Sports Hall take a right on entering the site and follow the road around to the end, you will find the hall entrance on your right.
As usual we will be splitting the sessions to manage numbers and make the training is as player appropriate as we can.
U9s and U11s (that is up to and including School Year 6) 6pm - 7pm
U13s and U15s (School Years 7, 8 9 and 10) 7pm - 8pm.
U15 players (Years 9 & 10) are welcome to join the Adult Sessions - these will run from 8 - 9pm and will start this Wednesday 5th January - a £4 session charge will be due as these fall outside your usual Colts Membership
2022 sees the new Membership Year begin.
We have held prices again where the full year - including Winter Training, Summer Training and all Matches is available at £125. As before, a "pay-as-you-go" option remains available (£4 for each training or match). With regards selections for matches, come the summer, selection will prioritise those who have paid a full membership, albeit we have been able to accommodate the vast majority of (if not all) players to date. We will have paper copies of the forms available at our training on the 26th but if you wanted to complete and return one sooner please see the attached. Our Bank details are as before but please let us know by return email if you want to confirm them. For security reasons we have removed them from the membership form this year.
Any questions or if you would like to bring along new friends, please let us know.
All the best and see you soon.
The P&SCC Colts Team
(07890 323072)
Attachments : P&SColtsMembership 2022.pdf