Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club

Portsmouth & Southsea Cricket Club News story

P&S Colts Training - While Social Distancing

04 Apr 2020

Dear All, 


I hope this note finds you following all the Governments guidelines to help us beat Covid-19 as soon as possible - and the lovely weather finds you out in the garden practicing your cricket! 


We are sorry not to be able to be telling you all about when we are starting our outdoor season. Of course, as soon as it is appropriate we'll get things moving. 


In the meantime, we have added a collection of Sky Cricket Masterclasses to our Website for you to hone your skills with.  You can find them on our Colts Training Page. The attached link will take you straight there.



We hope you find them of interest and help you prepare for the season - should it ever get here!


If you've any questions please don't hesitate get in touch. Simply reply to this email.


All the best and stay safe.


P&S Colts Team